NDTV और डेटॉल की पहल पर 'बनेगा स्वस्थ इंडिया' के आठवें सीजन का आयोजन किया गया. इसके तहत 12 घंटे का 'स्वस्थ भारत, संपन्न भारत' टेलीथॉन चलाया गया. अभियान के ब्रांड एम्बेस्डर अमिताभ बच्चन ने इसकी शुरुआत की. एनडीटीवी - डेटॉल बनेगा स्वच्छ भारत पहल के माध्यम से साल 2014 से स्वच्छ और स्वस्थ भारत की दिशा में काम कर रहा है, जिसका नेतृत्व सदी के महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन करते रहे हैं. अभियान के सीजन 8 का उद्देश्य 'वन हेल्थ, वन प्लैनेट, वन फ्यूचर - लीविंग नो वन बिहाइंड' (One Health, One Planet, One Future – Leaving No One Behind) पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हुए इंसान और पर्यावरण की एक दूसरे पर निर्भरता को उजागर करना है.
Highlights of 'Swasth Bharat, Sampann Bharat' Telethon
"As a government we have always been empathetic towards people with disability & we feel that more needs to be done:" @SangmaConrad, Chief Minister, Meghalaya on the 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Watch LIVE: https://t.co/3oUB8q1RVX #BanegaSwasthIndia pic.twitter.com/MWu0ggrELh
"The government has taken up various initiatives to bring about inclusive development. I urge everyone to do their bit every day": @NBirenSingh, Chief Minister, Manipur on the 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat telethon
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Watch LIVE: https://t.co/3oUB8q1RVX#BanegaSwasthIndia pic.twitter.com/fLyiWfeay8
Meet Masaba Gupta's (@MasabaG) new friends #Chamki & #Elmo of @SesameWrkshpIND, together they share a tip to help deal with #MentalStress.
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Track LIVE updates from the 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat telethon on https://t.co/3oUB8q1RVX #BanegaSwasthIndia pic.twitter.com/WGWUTTAbxS

The #HygieneBuddy Kit by @ThisIsReckitt & @DettolIndia has multiple games for children that spreads awareness about hand #hygiene in a fun way.
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Watch the 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon Live on NDTV network and https://t.co/3oUB8pKgxn #BanegaSwasthIndia pic.twitter.com/IA2ZKMcs9S

Watch @sanket get hands on lessons in some basic Bharatnatyam techniques to release #stress at work from Suchitra Date, Psychologist, Bharatanatyam Danseuse & Social Worker on the #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Watch LIVE: https://t.co/3oUB8q1RVX#BanegaSwasthIndia pic.twitter.com/sHR21N1SZf

Talking about granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda's initiative to raise awareness about women's health @SrBachchan said, "She found that many women are thrown out of their house when they are on periods."
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Watch #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat telethon on https://t.co/3oUB8pKgxn pic.twitter.com/8HXq9h8HgJ

On #LeavingNoOneBehind session, join Dr Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS New Delhi as he shares insights on #Covid19 & emergence of other viruses
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Watch the 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon live on NDTV and https://t.co/3oUB8pKgxn#BanegaSwasthIndia #HealthForAll pic.twitter.com/CvC6dK2yyD

Talking about granddaughter Aaradhya Bachchan's initiative Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) said, "She found that many women are thrown out of their house when they are on their periods."
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Watch Live the 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon on https://t.co/3oUB8q1RVX pic.twitter.com/pbwbTIEJxg
Watch Kalbeliya Folk Dancers from Rajasthan perform during the 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Stay tuned with Campaign Ambassador Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan), #WatchLive on NDTV and https://t.co/3oUB8q1RVX#BanegaSwasthIndia #LeavingNoOneBehind@DettolIndia pic.twitter.com/PE8GAiV3HV

On the stage of 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat telethon, Campaign Ambassador Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) joins Dharavi Rocks, the band that makes music out of trash
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Keep watching LIVE on https://t.co/3oUB8pKgxn@DettolIndia @TDDP_IN #BanegaSwasthIndia pic.twitter.com/X1fomY965w

Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport and Highways joins the 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon for a session on '75 years of #health, #nutrition and #hygiene in India'
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Watch Live on https://t.co/3oUB8q1RVX#BanegaSwasthIndia #LeavingNoOneBehind @nitin_gadkari pic.twitter.com/bVJxDbO1YP

Only a #SwasthBharat can be a Sampann Bharat. With #LeavingNoOneBehind as the main agenda, #BanegaSwasthIndia campaign moves forward to season 8.
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 3, 2021
Watch 12-hour Swasth Bharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon with Amitabh Bachchan on Oct 3, 9am on https://t.co/3oUB8pKgxn @DettolIndia pic.twitter.com/ttPk8aw4vU

With 'One Health, One Planet, One Future - #LeavingNoOneBehind' as the main agenda #BanegaSwasthIndia campaign moves forward to season 8.
- Banega Swasth India (@banegaswasthind) October 2, 2021
Watch LIVE the 12-hour #SwasthBharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon with Amitabh Bachchan, tomorrow from 9am on https://t.co/3oUB8pKgxn @sanket pic.twitter.com/WUR9Mmc5p1