Anant Ambani's speech was like listening to Dhinchak Pooja song on loop.
— Sowmya Uday Shankar (@SoGe89) January 3, 2018
Rajesh Khanna :- "Pushpa I hate tears."
— chetan soni (@chetansoni23) January 3, 2018
Anant Ambani :- "Your tears are my tears."
Who will Pushpa choose now ?
New Tinder profile
— Sahil Rizwan (@SahilRiz) January 2, 2018
कुछ लोगों ने अनंत की स्पीच को काफी पसंद किया और उनकी जमकर तारीफ की...
Every body has a passion but few has the determination to go with it ,Good work Anant ambani
— shashi dogra (@dograshashi431) January 3, 2018
Social media makes me hate humanity - like HATE. When you mock someone for their weight, looks, facial expressions, speech, colour of the skin, among a ton of other things, you show the poor upbringing you had and the shallow person that you are. #Anant #Ambani
— Shailja (@lykabrd) January 3, 2018
Anant Ambani is undoubtedly an achiever and inspiration to many! Downsizing and Rightsizing are important skills to master in business & he is the leader of leaders who 'lead by example'. Oratory skills are 2ndary & can be acquired/improved :)
— Rags (@RagsTweets) January 3, 2018
Everyone laughing at Anant Ambani's speech while he laughs at everyone's bank accounts.
— Parth Nanavati (@parth_nanavati8) January 2, 2018
No one make fun of Anant ambani anymore you gotta understand he's nervous and he's trying his best, you can see his mum n dad trying to push him, behave yourself or face the mfing belt
— guru bhai (@mansnotthot) January 3, 2018
It doesn't matter for Anant Ambani , his voice can be anything. I am pretty sure he can ignore such laughs , at $30Bthe joke is always on this side
— Mahadev Bhakt (@RWAnalytiks) January 3, 2018
इस साल रिलायंस इंडस्ट्री के इस फंक्शन में पूरा फोकस मुकेश अंबानी की संतानों आकाश, अनंत और ईशा पर ही था. तीनों ने स्टेज पर रिलायंस के फ्यूचर के बारे में अपने विचार रखे, और कंपनी में तीनों को नेक्स्ट जनरेशन लीडर्स माना जा रहा है. ईशा और आकाश ने ही जुलाई, 2017 में रिलायंस जियो का फीचर फोन लॉन्च किया था. पर ताज़ातरीन ख़बरों को ट्रैक करें, व देश के कोने-कोने से और दुनियाभर से न्यूज़ अपडेट पाएं