The first guess from one of my 1st graders was “death” and such an awed, somber, reflective hush fell over the class that I didn’t want to tell them that actually the answer is the letter e, which just seemed so banal in the moment
— Bret Turner (@bretjturner) January 2, 2018
उन्होंने बताया कि इस सवाल का जवाब 'E' है. लेकिन पहली क्लास के बच्चे के जवाब से कुछ लोगों को प्रभावित किया है.
Before I finally revealed the "correct" answer to the riddle, to a largely unimpressed audience, I fielded other guesses that continued along a similarly existential vein. There was "NOT everything," "all stuff," "the end," and maybe my favorite, "nothingthing."
— Bret Turner (@bretjturner) January 3, 2018
I’m considering telling the kids tomorrow that a tweet about them went viral, and given their facility with the internets, I expect their response will be “sure but did it go SUPERviral” and “just how many retweets are we talking about here” and “can I go to the bathroom”
— Bret Turner (@bretjturner) January 4, 2018
इस ट्वीट को 3 जनवरी को पोस्ट किया गया था. जिसको 2.8 लाख लाइक्स आ चुके हैं और 75 हजार से ज्यादा रिट्वीट्स किए जा चुके हैं और ये ट्वीट काफी वायरल हो रहा है.
Give that kid the “A” I expect a great screenplay from him/her some day.
— Harrison Smith (@HarrisonSmith85) January 3, 2018
My first gut feeling was "nothing"... Letter is "e" for an answer, seems to be less depressing hahaha
— sander van der deure (@SVanDerDeure) January 3, 2018
I showed it to my daughter, a 12th grader, and her quick response was "death".
— Tzippy Yarom صِپورة (@zpyarom) January 3, 2018
Today's existential crisis was brough to you by: The Letter E
— the sun, but mad (@sleeperslayer) January 3, 2018
Someone give that kid a medal.
— Adrianne (@kimbymarriage) January 3, 2018
आपको क्या लगता है कि पहेली का जवाब क्या होगा? नीचे आप कमेंट कर जवाब दे सकते हैं. पर ताज़ातरीन ख़बरों को ट्रैक करें, व देश के कोने-कोने से और दुनियाभर से न्यूज़ अपडेट पाएं