"Diarrhoea Se Darr Nahi" ORSL और PSI India का अभियान: 5 मिलियन बच्चों तक पहुंचने का लक्ष्य | Child Heath Diarrhoea remains one of the leading causes of child mortality in India, with dehydration being a critical factor. Recognizing this urgent issue, the makers of ORSL have launched the "Diarrhoea Se Darr Nahi" initiative in partnership with Population Services International India (PSI India) to combat diarrhoea-related deaths among children under five. This initiative aims to reach about 5 million children over the next two+ years, focusing on reducing diarrhoea-related mortality and improving health outcomes in 10 high-burden districts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The program complements the Government’s "Stop Diarrhoea" campaign, which aims to achieve zero child deaths due to diarrhoea in India.